How to recharge a Conlog Prepaid meter

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Posted by on Monday November 7, 2016 at 10:52:35:

A friend of mine recently requested me to recharge his prepaid meter and what I noticed was that it's a bit different from the Momas branded prepaid meter which I normally recharge but they work with the same principle.

The first thing you need to do is copy the prepaid meter number if you don't already have it and use it to buy meter tokens from a selling point. You can buy it from a PHCN office using cash or buy it from the internet on certain websites or your internet banking service.

I bought the meter token using my mobile internet banking platform and all I provided was the meter number as the reference number.

After purchasing the meter token, you'd be the token in form of numbers and you'd use it to recharge your Conlog Prepaid meter.

The Conlog prepaid meter comes with buttons that are in numbers as well as characters and you can use those buttons to load credit to your electricity meter.

Just press in those numbers printed as the meter token and do nothing else. Within a few seconds after dialing the meter token numbers and without pressing any Enter button, the Conlog prepaid meter will automatically be loaded with the amount of units you purchased.

So, unlike the Momas prepaid meter which requires you press the Enter button after pressing the numbers, you don't need to do that with the Conlog Prepaid meter based on my experience.

Re: How to recharge a Conlog Prepaid meter Reply by Akonnimbera Sunday on Tuesday June 26, 2018 at 18:1:54:

token cannot recharge my metre , i buy but it cannot be loaded it only show eeeee error in Gombe state

Re: How to recharge a Conlog Prepaid meter Reply by Chief Chika on Sunday August 5, 2018 at 9:10:49:

I bought a card/token from PHCN office which I'm to load into my meter. but to my greatest surprise, the meter is showing EEEEEEEE. Which means token enter is incorrect or the meter needs a key change token. But all was provided, but all still remans same. what do you think can done?

Re: How to recharge a Conlog Prepaid meter Reply by humble on Thursday August 16, 2018 at 17:32:3:

I am using a conlog meter and I bought a token loading it is showing me EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE